Monthly Archives: September 2013

Electronic Surveillance

We now live in a world where we are all becoming much more aware of the fact that we are being monitored. It started with the Police using CCTV to monitor town centres and other high crime risk areas. This was done to enable the police to attend possible trouble spots quickly and, according to […]

The power of Lego just goes on and on

The geniuses at Robotic Solutions have taken Lego, combined it with Samsung Galaxy SII and created the Cubestormer II which they claim is the world’s fastest 3x3x3 Rubik’s cube solver and judging by this video they could well be right. When I say Lego and a Samsung Galaxy that is not strictly where the story […]

US Goes Back to School in Body Armour

American children returning to school in the next few days will find that over the Summer holidays many former places of learning have been transformed in to high-tech stockades. In the wake of last December’s mass murder at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Connecticut – where a gunman killed 26 people, 20 of them children […]