Gas masks in great demand for Reporters and cameramen

Things have really been hotting up here at  over the last couple of weeks and we have seen an increase in purchases for our Gas Masks.

The media have been sending teams between Turkey and Egypt where both countries are undergoing serious protests and crowds are being controlled by the use of Tear Gas by the Police and, in Egypt’s case, the army.

Reporters and cameramen have been buying Gas masks (GASMFF) and Gas mask filters (GASMT80F) to protect themselves against the gas.

Full Face Gas MaskType-80-Gas-Mask-Filter

For many years now we have supplied the Press with Body Armour (PRESVESIIIAKA), Ballistic helmets BALLHELM), NBC suits and various other protective equipment before they have sent teams to various trouble spots. All of the large media organisations know that if they need to put a team on the ground quickly we hold all of the necessary protective equipment in stock. Even armoured vehicles.

On top of that, one of our Directors, Julia Wing, appeared on News At Ten last Thursday to talk about the GSM wall socket bug (GSMUK2SOC) found recently in the Ecuador Embassy in London.

Jane Bond