GPS for Dementia Patients

The Daily Telegraph is reporting that Dementia patients are to be fitted with tracking devices for the first time to save police money searching for those who regularly go missing.

Over the years we at have had quite regular and unusual requests for tracking devices. The norm is that a company wants to know how long their sales reps are on the road or maybe want to ensure the swift return of a stolen vehicle. Quite regularly we are asked for tracking devices to put on pets that go missing and one or two customers have asked about tracking devices for relations with Dementia.

For companies or individuals we would usually suggest our Covert Asset Tracker III (CATIII) which we sell for £1,062.50 plus VAT. This is an extremely reliable and accurate system which is fitted in a matter of seconds with two seriously strong magnets so it is really easy to attach to the underneath of a vehicle (Usually behind the bumper). We sellmasses of these.

Covert Asset Tracker III Covert Asset Tracker III Covert Asset Tracker III Covert Asset Tracker III


Tracker Watch AThe other Tracker which we sell for personal use is the Tracker Watch (WATTRAC) at a reasonable price of £162.50 plus VAT. This doubles up as a watch and has some really incredible facilities like an SOS button which alerts up to three phone numbers with a message and the location,  who can then phone in and listen to the surroundings of the watch. You can also request, via text, the location whenever you want.

Keep an eye on our website because very soon we will be coming out with a completely  new range of trackers (Including one built  in to a belt) which we know our customers are going to love.

Jane Bond